
Ally: Bison Nation

Ally: Bison Nation


Ally: Bison Nation is in the developmental stages.  Summer Count 2018 photos and demographic data will be utilized to construct the profiles for the participants of the ally program.

ally options

There are approximately 4,000 wild bison in Yellowstone National Park.  LCGV is offering a sponsorship of each individual bison.  During Summer Count & beyond, they will be photo-profiled for identification, have a birth record created, their Family Group identified, & be placed in their respective Family Trees & Forests.  When an alliance is created, the bison-human inter-species family is created.  The ally families will be able to track their individual bison across the landscape thru the movement of their personal Family Group.  An "Endangerment Alert" will be created for each bison that is Quarantined, In Active Hunt Zones, & In the Trap.  Each Family Group will also show the individual members' human allies (with consent).  Every Family Group will be assigned Sacred Guardians to monitor them until they are safe.  LCGV will work with the ally families on Ways to Nurture & Protect the new members of their inter-species family. 

Members of Bison Nation Seeking Allies